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The Way - Droga życia
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Tom (Martin Sheen) to amerykański lekarz, który nie może się pogodzić z tragiczną śmiercią syna. Daniel (Emilio Estevez) zginął w Pirenejach, pokonując Camino de Santiago, zwaną też Szlakiem Świętego Jakuba. Tom jedzie do Europy po szczątki syna. Na miejscu postanawia jednak przejść cały szlak, od początku do końca, aby uczcić pamięć Daniela. To spore wyzwanie, droga jest bardzo długa, a Tom nie ma żadnego doświadczenia trekkingowego. Okazuje się jednak, że nie będzie mierzył się z tym wyzwaniem sam. Dołącza do niego Holender Joost, później Kandyjka Sarah i irlandzki pisarz Jack. Każde z tej pozornie niedopasowanej, przypadkowej gromadki jest na życiowym zakręcie, każde poszukuje motywacji do mierzenia się z niespodziankami, jakie niesie przewrotny los.

Droga życia (2010) - trailer HBO

THE WAY is a powerful and inspirational story about family, friends and the challenges we face while navigating this ever-changing and complicated world. Martin Sheen plays Tom, an irascible American doctor who comes to France to deal with the tragic loss of his son (played by Emilio Estevez). Rather than return home, Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage "The Way of St. James" to honor his son's desire to finish the journey. What Tom doesn't plan on is the profound impact this trip will have on him. Through unexpected and oftentimes amusing experiences along "The Way," Tom discovers the difference between "the life we live and the life we choose.”

Inexperienced as a trekker, Tom soon discovers that he will not be alone on this journey. On "The Way," Tom meets other pilgrims from around the world, each with their own issues and looking for greater meaning in their lives: a Dutchman (Yorick van Wageningen), a Canadian (Deborah Kara Unger) and an Irish writer (James Nesbitt), who is suffering from a bout of writer's block.

From the unexpected and, oftentimes, amusing experiences along "The Way," this unlikely quartet of misfits creates an everlasting bond and Tom begins to learn what it means to be a citizen of the world again. Through Tom's unresolved relationship with his son, he discovers the difference between "the life we live and the life we choose."

THE WAY, written and directed by Emilio Estevez, was filmed entirely in Spain and France along the actual Camino de Santiago.

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PostedSierpień 05, 2013, 05:06:26 pm
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